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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [birk at math.cornell.edu: ]
My name is Birkett Huber (math grad student at Cornell) I work on numerical continuation on toric varieties. One large componet of my work requires finding mixed subivisions of a set of poly topes, which usually involves triangulating the convex hull of a set of integer points. Up to now I have written most of my own code for this sort of thing, but have also used an old program written by a student here to do convex hulls. I am planning instead to try using qhull for this job, probably calling it from the progrms I am writing to implement my thesis, though perhaps only to check my results. Additionally I am considering using geomview to visuallize aspect of the work. The machine I use is a 486 running linnux. The main problem I have had with geomview is that I can't compile it as I dont have motif headers and libraries. Is true that these are nescesary to have in order to get geomview to run on my machine, and if so have you any sugestions as to how to obtain these most economically. I will apreciate any help/advice you can give on how to get geomview to work, and certainly appreciate your making qhull available for public use. Thank You Birk Huber.
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