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Thought this might be interesting to somebody... ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Michael Cohen <mfc> Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 15:50:04 -0500 To: glab Subject: workshop >From Michael.Gleicher at HOSTESS.GRAPHICS.CS.CMU.EDU Tue Jan 11 15:31:57 1994 Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 15:07:26 EST From: Michael.Gleicher at HOSTESS.GRAPHICS.CS.CMU.EDU To: mfc at CS.PRINCETON.EDU Subject: Workshop on the Challenges of 3D Interaction (CHI) CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Workshop on the Challenges of 3D Interaction CHI '94, Boston, Mass. April 24-25, 1994 (2 days prior to main conference) ORGANIZERS: Kenneth Herndon, Brown University Andries van Dam, Brown University Michael Gleicher, Carnegie Mellon University THEME: Challenges of 3D interaction and 3D user interfaces, including design considerations, implementation and evaluation; Tools for designing and building 3D interfaces. GOALS: The primary goal of this workshop is to help define principles and techniques for the design, implementation and evaluation of future 3D user interfaces. These interfaces must address many challenges arising from such sources as users' perceptual and cognitive skills and abilities, limitations of currently available input and output devices, the nature of 3D tasks and the variety of implementation strategies and development environments. This workshop will explore these challenges so that we can more effectively design, implement, and evaluate new user interfaces, appraise the tools used to build 3D interfaces, and identify key areas of research. To discuss these challenges in adequate depth will require diverse expertise among the participants of this workshop. We therefore hope to gather researchers from many disciplines to discuss the following topics: + Challenges in the design and evaluation of 3D interfaces: What makes 3D interfaces difficult? Are they intrinsically harder to design than 2D ones? What characteristics must 3D interfaces have to exploit the perceptual and spatial reasoning skills of users? How should we evaluate the usability of 3D interfaces? Do virtual and augmented-reality applications provide any opportunities or challenges different from conventional desktop 3D applications? + Challenges in specifying and constructing 3D interfaces: How do the strategies used for constructing 2D interfaces apply in 3D? How do they fail? How can the expertise of other disciplines such as industrial design apply? What kinds of tools and environments can help the process? + The current state of the art in 3D interfaces:} What is the state of the art today? What challenges were encountered in creating these interfaces? How well do current interfaces meet the challenges above? What common denominators are emerging? + The future of 3D interface technology:} How can we create better 3D interfaces? What can we do to make the design, implementation and evaluation of 3D interfaces easier? PLANNED WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES The first day of the workshop will be devoted to discussing 3D user interfaces from a user's point of view. Participants will present research work relating to this theme for 10-15 minutes. Presentations will be followed by short question-and-answer periods, but in-depth discussion will be postponed until all have had an opportunity to speak. After all the presentations, we will discuss the salient issues concerning the challenges of 3D interfaces outlined above. We will then attempt to identify some principles and define research topics for 3D user interface design. The second day of the workshop will focus on 3D user interfaces from the implementer's point of view. The same format as the first day will be followed in order to provide an opportunity to discuss and critique one another's other's work. We will attempt to identify commonalities among the approaches to designing and implementing the various user interfaces presented, and aim to propose a set of research topics and a more standardized methodology for continuing to explore the field. Not all participants are expected to present both days. We hope to have 15 to 20 participants so that everyone has a chance to present their ideas and have an adequate discussion of them. SUBMISSION: Participants are requested to submit a short (3-5 page) position statement describing your relevant experience with 3D interfaces and what you would present at the workshop. Send 3 copies of the statement to: Prof. Andries van Dam Department of Computer Science Box 1910 115 Waterman Street, 4th Floor Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Submissions must be recieved by February 18, 1994. Please include your email address (even though we cannot accept submissions by email). IMPORTANT DATES: February 18 - submit 3 copies of a position statement to Andries van Dam March 4 - notification of acceptance March 18 - acceptance of invitations April 24-25 - CHI 94 Workshop on the Challenges of 3D Interaction For more information contact: Michael Gleicher (gleicher at cs.cmu.edu) Andries van Dam (avd at cs.brown.edu)
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