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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] problem with interface between evolver and geomview
I have occasionally encountered a problem where geomview doesn't delete objects , but instead just accumulates many copies of them, as the evolver evolves the data. I finally realized that this is happening exactly when I give the evolver a non-trivial path for my file name. If I invoke evolver on, say "./foo", then it sends the command "(geometry ./foo ...)" to geomview, and then later, if I switch file names (by saying "q", and then perhaps "foo" or "././foo" to the evolver) it tells geomview "(delete ./foo)", which geomview seems to complain about: delete: id expected in arg position 1 (got "./foo") (Note that my TARGET browser in geomview shows simply "foo" as the name of the object.) I can't quite figure out what's going on. When I use "P\nA" in the evolver, and then "cat /tmp/foo.a##### | more" to see what it sends, it always looks like it sends the full path name I've used. I just tried "evolver ././foo", followed by "P\n8" to invoke geomview. I got an object foo. Then "q\n./foo" to evolver" made me end up with an object that geomview calls "o". (It properly deleted foo.) Then "q\nfoo" seems to put the new geometry under the same name "o". Then "q\n././foo" deletes "o" and leaves me with a TARGET "foo". I had a hard time reproducing the case where I get the "id expected" message this time, but here's one full evolver session that did it. (There are much shorter ones, I'm sure, but I didn't happen upon it this time.) riga[114] evolver ././foo Surface Evolver Version 1.92j December 11, 1993 Enter command: P Choose output graphics format: 1. Pixar file 2. MinneView (OOGL) file 3. PostScript file 4. Triangle file 5. Softimage file 8. Start simultaneous geomview 9. End simultaneous geomview A. Start OOGL pipe (you must start reader) B. End OOGL pipe 0. cancel Choice: 8 Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ./foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ././foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ./foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ././foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ./foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ./././foo Enter command: q Enter new datafile name (none to continue, q to quit): ./foo Enter command: delete: id expected in arg position 1 (got "./foo") At this point I'm left with [g1] foo [g2] o in my TARGET browser. I'm tempted to classify all of this as geomview bugs, not evolver bugs, though all you experts may care to disagree. As a work-around, I'd suggest to Ken to strip off leading path components when forming an object name for geomview. -John
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